Individual Therapy
Find Balance & Self-Acceptance

–Natalie Whiteford, PhD
Parents Deserve Support!
Parenting is intense. It puts huge demands on your time and energy. Parents are bombarded with advice on the “right” way to parent. You are told that if you just follow this or that parenting philosophy, your life will run smoothly and your children will thrive.
The problem is that we are all human. You and your children will inevitably fall short of expectations. And yet, you still expect yourself to “do it all”, somehow make it look effortless and cherish every moment. Even when you manage to take a breath, you feel guilty and wonder how everyone else seems to be doing a better job. You define your self-worth based on how well you “measure up.” You have lost touch with a deeper sense of self and the magic of living in the moment. You’ve lost your joy to overanalyzing the past or micromanaging the future. You feel lost, overwhelmed, and frequently resentful. You are not alone.
I'm here to Help.
Imagine a life where you are back touch with yourself. You’re more present in your day-to-day life. Instead of living inside your head, you’re more aware of your body and feel comfortable in your skin. You’re in touch with yourself and confident in what you know to be true. You’ve stopped wasting your energy wishing things were different or judging yourself that they aren’t. Instead, you feel equal to the task of the reality in front of you. You have found deep self-compassion and use self-care practices that sustain you so you can stay grounded in the hard times and find joy in yourself and your children in the better ones.
Through our work, you will create a life where you build yourself up instead of tearing yourself down or convincing yourself that you need to change. You will rebuild your trust in yourself and develop a deep sense that no matter what comes your way, “You’ve got this.” We will explore what sustains you instead of putting your own needs last and giving away everything you’ve got. I will help you learn to stay steady during difficult moments, so you can show up as exactly the parent your child needs – the true you. You are enough just as you are. You have everything you need. We will help you recognize this in yourself so you can harness it and build a life you love.
Dr. Whiteford's Services
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