Group Work
Connect With Others - Grow in Community

“Being seen by others supports us in ways we cannot support ourselves. Group work helps us learn about ourselves and our humanity in unique ways”.
–Natalie Whiteford, PhD
Parents Deserve Connection!
Strength in Numbers
In addition to being fulfilling and joyous, parenting can be exhausting, isolating, and terrifying. You feel like you’re the only one who’s failing so magnificently. You wonder if anyone else feels the need to hide in the corner and cry. You worry if when you yelled this morning, you screwed up your kid for life. You wonder how other people seem to have the water bottle filled and the snacks packed, when some days you can’t manage to get the kid to the park at all.
Newsflash. It’s not just you! We are all confused and overwhelmed. We are all figuring it out by the skin of our teeth. We all have the drawer or closet, or entire house that barely contains our chaos. And yes, we are all screwing up our kids along the way. We’re human. Being human together takes the pressure off of needing to appear perfect, or even good, or even okay. When we’re human together, we find support and compassion for ourselves and each other. We leave feeling seen and heard and loved and whole.
I'm here to Help.
Group learning and group connection are incredibly powerful tools for helping us realize we are not alone. Practicing skills and exploring/remembering who we are with other people also lands in a deeper and more lasting way than thinking these things through on our own. All of us have a deep desire for love and belonging, and groups are a great place to remember that you are worthy of these things just as you are.
Upcoming parenting groups will be posted here so you can take advantage of the power of community as you find stability and confidence in your parenting journey.
Dr. Whiteford's Services
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Parenting is hard work! It is easy to lose sight of your own needs and self-worth. I created my blog to help parents everywhere maintain perspective and assist them in their parenting journey. It will containing relevant information on Parenting, Therapy, Self-Care, Self-Compassion our Educational System, Special Events and more. Sign up now. You can cancel anytime.